Dear Anna and Family, Our hearts are breaking for you. Otto will be surely missed, his smile, his warmth, his honor and is absolute love of family. I can feel Ian is already showing him the ropes and that are smiling down on us here... left with our precious memories and hope for the day when we will meet them again. We truly love you and deeply share your tremendous loss. Love Lorna and John Davison
Anna, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. You have my deepest sympathy. Love, Mary
Liebe Anne Dir und Deiner Familie mein tiefstes Mitgefühl. Niemand kann so gut nachempfinden was es bedeutet einen wertvollen Menschen zu verlieren. Doch in unseren Herzen wird er immer Gegenwärtig sein. Mein herzlichstes Beileid Dir und Deiner Familie . Herbert
Liebe Anne und die Familie! Mit Erschütterung musste ich am Montag erfahren das Onkel Otto verstorben war. Ich war fassungslos und konnte es nicht glauben. Auch Stunden danach war es mir nicht bewusst das er einfach nicht mehr da ist. Ich kann mich noch dran errinnern wie viel Spaß mit ihm hatte im Woody´s. Wir haben viel gelacht und hatten Spaß. Ich hätte so gerne das wiederholt. Ich wünsche euch alle viel Kraft für die nächste Zeit. ICH werde "Onkel Otto" nie vergessen. Er ist jetzt im Himmel bei Margret. Euer Elmar Wer im Gedächtnis seiner Lieben lebt, der ist nicht tot, der ist nur fern; tot ist nur, wer vergessen wird.
Liebe Anne, liebe Familie, undendlich traurig haben wir von dem Tod unseres geliebten Onkel-Otto am Montag erfahren. Obgleich wir leider nicht bei der Beerdigung anwesend sein können, sollt Ihr wissen, dass wir mit unseren Gedanken immer bei Euch sind und Otto stets in unserem Herzen tragen werden. Wir hatten mit ihm früher und speziell im Sommer 1996 und Sommer 2009 eine unvergessliche Zeit und bedanken uns für sein großes und warmes Herz und seine unglaubliche Gastfreundschaft. Wir sind mit unseren Gedanken und unseren Herzen bei Euch - jetzt und in der Zukunft und sind - obgleich uns mehrere tausende Kilometer trennen - immer für Euch da und an Eurer Seite. Eure Laura & Maik
To "Onkel Otto" - we shared some unforgettable weeks in 2007 and 2009 and appreciate your time and efforts to make our stay as perfect as possible. Thank you for being so kind, caring and funny and for sleeping on the couch! We will always keep you in our hearts and would have loved to introduce you to your nephew Leo. Would have been so good to see you again in summer… Love always, Tim and Sabine with Leo
Dear Tom, It's been a long time since our days at Farmingdale School, but I was on Clayton's website because of friend of mine just died and I saw your father passed away. I am so very sorry to hear that, and my thoughts and prayer are with you and your family. In sympathy, Megan (Chopp) Bodie
Dear Mrs. Bismarck, I was very saddend to hear of the passing of Otto. He was one of my favorite patients at Dr. Weiner s office. He always had a smile on his face and a positive attitude. We will miss him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sue Scanlon from Dr.Weiners office
Liebe Anne, wir sind unendlich traurig, dass Dein geliebter Otto seinen sehnlichen Wunsch nicht mehr erfüllt bekommen hat, Deutschland und sein Münster noch einmal zu sehen, wie auch wir es ihm so sehr gewünscht haben. Das Endgültige des Verlustes ist sehr schmerzhaft für alle, die zurückbleiben, für Dich natürlich ganz besonders. Aber zu wissen, dass er nun nicht mehr leiden muss, kann ein Trost sein. Du weißt, wie sehr wir den "armen Onkel Otto" geschätzt, nein geliebt haben und dass auch wir ihn sehr vermissen. Wir schließen ihn (ganz wirklich) in unsere Gebete ein. Deine Rosi und Wolfgang
Dear Claudia and Joe, dear Robert and Shannon, dear Thomas and Jennifer and all children! We all are so sad that your beloved Daddy, your best father-in-law and your wonderful Opa has gone. We share your sadness and your sorrows and we are with you in our thoughts. We sincerely would have loved to see Otto here again after so many years as it was planned for the summer. Our dear brother-in-law and "armer Onkel Otto" will remain in our thoughts and memories forever. Your German part of the family Rosi and Wolfgang, Tim, Sabine and Leo and Maik with Laura.
To the best father in-law anyone could ever have. You were the most funnest person id ever met and could always make a boring time a total laugh fest with your humor. Claudia asked me once if i had a best friend and i said no not really , but now that i reflect back now i didn't realize it but i did !! Opa you were the BEST to me and all the girls and of coarse Claudia will forever have you in our thoughts everday. I know you were the one who just broke my shower head! keep it up buddy. Love Joe,Claudia,Kacy,Rachel,Jaclyn,Bailey his favorite dog!,and that damn Land Shark Buddy!
Tom... We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your entire family. Gunnar & Carla, Mike, Jay and Lisa
Claudia we are sorry for your loss. If there is anything you need please call us. Love, Russell and Rosa
Anna, Rob and family's it is with my greatest sympathies to hear of the loss of your loved one "Otto", beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend to many. I would just like you to know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and, I wish you all the best through this sad time of your loss. Take care and God bless. Don Ada and family
Claudia, Joe, and family, our sincerest condolences on your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Ken & Sue Sadler
I am so glad you were a part of our special day when our son Brody was born. You are a wonderful Opa and a great father-in-law. I am so glad to be part of your family. I know you are in heaven and will continue to watch over us. You will be deeply missed. Brody will always have his Opa close to his heart.
Love you - Jen, Tom & Brody
Pops - You were such a big influence in my life. I will deeply miss you with all my heart. I love you very much and I know you are in heaven. I love you Pops.
Love always - your son Thomas.
Anna, Jen, Tom, Claudia, Rob and all of your families, Although no words can really help to ease the pain of the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead. Otto was a wonderful man with an incredible personality. We will miss him dearly. Love, Julie and Brad Bossow
Dear Anna, Claudia, Rob, Tom, all the grandchildren, family and friends, Our family is so sorry to hear of your loss. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you strength and love during this very difficult time. Sincerely, Sean, Nikka, Jacob and Lauren