My dear friend, how much I miss you. Mr McKeown was always happy, even when he didn't feel good. He loved talking to me about the American Indian heritage and their ways. The last time I took his mail to the house he asked me to come in. He took me to the living room and gave me 2 books on Indians. I will always cherish them and remember such a wonderful person.
I am sorry for your loss. Grief can be so hard, but our special memories help us cope. Remembering you and your loved one today and always. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 reminds us that God is always there to comfort us. I pray this helps you to find solace.
I will truly miss Mac, with his happy smile and his cute hat. He has been an inspiration to me in wanting to know more about my Cherokee heritage. He'll always be in my heart and I will never forget him. My deepest condolences to his family. **** Always USPS Letter Carrier, Yvonne