I would like to offer my deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Golub family. Gene, or should I say Dr. Golub as I called him then, spent many hours with me working on my doctorate during the 1970's. Many times he and Arnold Allentuch would play "good cop bad cop", and I will not say which one was which, but you could probably guess. Gene always pushed me the hardest, and for that I am eternally grateful. In more recent years, after I returned to NJIT, we always had a warm relationship on the PSA Governing Board. I am really going to miss seeing him there. Thank you Gene for being there for me. Your student and colleague, Tom Juliano
Few people in my life have provided the role model and leadership you did for me in the all too few years I had the pleasure of serving with you on the PSA/AAUP Board at NJIT, Gene. Even when we disagreed on details I always understood that you were listening, and it was sincerely appreciated. If you were the guide and inspiration to your students you were for the sometimes more temperamental faculty peers you lead for so long, you must have been one of their greatest teachers - as I strongly suspect you were.