I remember growing up with Henry and he was also doing something crazy then. But if someone had chores to do and it was nice out he would jump in so the chores would get done and we could all be outside. I lost track when I moved in 1996 but found him years later Married to a wonder woman he would tell me and great kids. Then with his busy life we lost touch again but I will almost remember him even as kids riding mini bikes etc. I know your in heaven riding with your Daddy and Jesus. Danielle and Kids I am sorry for your loss, I know it is hard but he is always with you.
I am so sorry for your loss Henry was a great friend. Anytime when I did not want to be home we would hang out at his house We used to play with his pit bull listen to music. His mom Lynn use to feed us all the time Anytime I was depressed or sad from fighting with my dad. He used to always make me laugh with his goofy self he was just a great guy to everybody. I'm going to miss you so much now you can ride once more with you dad in heaven with the Angels
I keep thinking I'm going to go home and to my surprise
see you sitting in my kitchen or driveway like so many times before. I'm going to miss all of our conversations and your guidance. I'm going to keep our promises and watch over the family brother until we see each other again.
My condolences go out to the family. I am so deeply sorry for this tragic loss. Henry was like a brother to me, and he will forever be missed sending my love to you guys I’m here if you need anything ❤️❤️❤️
My condolences Danielle to your family.One of my memories I remember of Henry is banging on the drums when he lived with Eric. May you rest in Peace Henry.
Julie Moore
Always in our hearts but never forgotten. We will miss you dearly friend and the good times we had. Our thoughts always with your family. Until we see each other again Henry we carry you in our thoughts and hearts forever.
Jason & Nicole Harrison
So sorry for your loss. Henry will forever be in our hearts. Love & Blessings to you all.
No one take offense to my post, the pretty blue nails in this pic are his wife’s and we are fine with this “symbolic gesture “

My heart is broken for you and the kids. Henry was one in a million. Always willing to help. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
So deeply sorry for your loss Danielle. Wishing you and the kids nothing but strength to get you through this. Thoughts and prayers.
My condolences to Henry's family, Danielle, his 3 amazing children and everyone who loved him. Henry was a beacon of light, a friend to all, and we loved him. Every memory was a favorite one xoxo Fly high Henry. Your wings came too soon but only the good die young. We love and miss you Henry .... Melissa, Ken, Zachary
Never forget our trip to Arkansas, Danielle was trying to sleep in the back seat and we where coming down the side of a mountain. Finally she has enough and said everytime I fall asleep you put me on my head Davit? Have to say Henry was sitting in the passenger seat laughing historically and egging me on!